- Help utilities justify investment decisions based on data-driven life-cycle cost analysis
- Educate stakeholders on all technology and construction options to determine the most viable, reliable and cost-effective solution for the installation of transmission and distribution systems when evaluated via life-cycle cost analysis
- Convey qualitative and quantitative value of underground to all stakeholders
- Develop common methods by which cable systems can be evaluated from both a utility and public value perspective
- Communicate the methodology to utilities, individual state utility commissions and other influencers
- Actively promote developed models as an enabler for grid extension in North America with all members of the value chain – including utilities
- Influence more actively as part of the North America power industry
- Geography: priority is North America
- Modeling data will help drive focus areas
- Initially focus on new infrastructure, then existing/rehabilitation projects
- Initiate modeling projects that consider:
- Population density
- Areas prone to storms/repeated outages
- Land values
- Growing economic regions
- Political climate
As a 501c6 non-profit Delaware corporation registered in the USA, PDi2 is governed by an Executive Board.
All meetings are conducted with legal counsel present and in strict adherence to antitrust regulations. Meetings are bi-monthly via teleconference with two in-person meetings held each year.
Although PDi2 members share common interests, the association complies to very strict Bylaws and antitrust regulations.