Undergrounding Innovation: Maintenance Practices
Innovation: Fault avoidance or reduction.
Description/Definition: Lower the frequency of waste-producing maintenance work orders through the application of underground technologies.
Impact: Reduced Maintenance Cost: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Form 1 and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 10-K filings for five geographically diverse investor-owned utilities the cost of underground distribution maintenance per mile is 3 times to 7 times lower than overhead.
Ben Lanz, Director of Applications Engineering
IMCORP (Osmose)
Ben is a senior member of IEEE PES and ICC, and a voting member of DEIS, IAS, ACP, CIGRE & NETA. He has chaired IEEE technical committees associated with power system reliability, protection, and testing, has published over 100 papers, articles and technical conference contributions on the subjects of power system reliability, resiliency, asset management, design, lean work practices, longevity and diagnostics, reliability technology patent holder, and is a regular guest speaker at numerous conferences and seminars.