PDi2 Playbook

STEP 5. IMPLEMENTATION 28 Regulators or Legislators  Communication Objective: Achieve approval of the resiliency program. Building the basis of a logical and structured financial and ratepayer benefit case to support the implementation of a resiliency program. The key points of communication are designed for the general public, ratepayers, and PUC or legislative sponsors. They include:  Conclusions drawn from historical analysis of system susceptibility to weather-related long-duration outages.  Results and implications of a forecast of system risk exposure to extreme weather.  Description of scenarios developed, an estimate of damage in each scenario, and design of resiliency investment options to mitigate damage estimate.  Description of highly targeted resiliency option selected, why it was selected, and the cost versus benefit calculation.  Calculation of overall benefit and results expected from implementation. Description of an appropriate overall resiliency metric. Description of societal benefit and balance of benefit among customer income ranges.  Introduce phasing and approach to resiliency option implementation and how/why phasing was chosen.  Calculation of phase results expected from implementation and an appropriate resiliency metric.  Development of progress milestones tied to phases.  Submission of program requests for PUC approval or legislation design. Stakeholders  Communication Objective: Inform stakeholders of pending construction activity on or near their property. Exhibit 5.2 includes an example of the communication structure utilized by one utility. A combination of traditional and social media communication methods is necessary. In this exhibit, the communication is broken down by phase with specific communication efforts designed to inform stakeholders (#232). Exhibit 5.2 Stakeholder Communication Strategy Example Duke Energy Targeted Undergrounding Program (TUP) Source: Duke Energy, State of Florida, Public Service Commission, Internal Affairs Agenda, August 7, 2018, pg. 6 (3).